Ed Two-eyes had known from an early age that he didn't exactly fit in this universe. There was something different about him that made life...well...exceptionally easy. Whenever he asked for something, from anyone, he got it. People always bowed their heads as he walked by, which made going unseen rather an easy task. The only negative was that random passerby would occasionally stop him to offer sound advice, as if he'd asked for it and might need it in the future. Annoying, but for the most part had actually still proven quite useful.
Naturally these came together to turn Ed into a criminal. He was infamous, had his poster everywhere across the Rim, yet no one could seem to find him (on account of the head-bowing) or care to turn him in when they did. Any speeder he wanted, he just asked for, and the owner very respectfully handed it over. Until about an hour later when they realized what they'd done and figured it for a con, if they weren't too embarrassed about the whole situation to even say anything. If he needed credits, he just walked up to the anti-personnel force field at the bank and asked for it. Which had earned him a reputation as a bank robber and insanely talented escape artist, as no one could figure out how he just slipped by the troopers every time.
This also had the issue of making life rather boring for Ed. It had been exciting as a child to realize everything could be handed over on a silver mess-plate, but as a young adult it became rather tiring. No challenge, nothing to strive against. He tried various Meds to sometimes entertaining but often quite temporary results. He even gave hired assassination a go, hunting the ultimate prey as it were (a Saurian). The damn thing saw him and immediately tried to become his friend! Deadliest creatures in the galaxy, pfoof.
But now, at the ripe age of 25, on the planet Xarlon, an explanation would finally occur, and Ed's life would be forever changed.
Ed was walking through the local market, deciding between taking a rack of Parmigs for lunch or just a Lemus Pie, when a portal opened up about ten feet down the way. It wasn't unheard of for random portals to show up outside the local Transport Hub, carrying usually robbers on the run or someone in a general hurry who didn't care about vaporizing the random passerby, but it was also unusual for a portal to be...well...so BLUE.
Not a moment later a wizened old man wearing a long draping gown and a pointy hat with a rather long stick in his hand appeared halfway through, gazing around frantically. It should be said that this would've been quite the sight, had any been looking up instead of respectfully bowing their heads.
Noticing the general trend, and finding Ed to be the one person standing upright, the old man locked eyes on him.
"IT WORKED!" he shouted. "IT'S YOU! Come quickly now, we've got a kingdom to save!"
Ed Eye-eye had literally never been commanded to do anything. Something was very clearly wrong.
"Well? Come on boy, it's time to come home!"
Ed hesitated. "Who...um..."
"Oh come now, boy, you remember me! Gideon! Gideon the Wise!"
"Court wizard?"
"There from birth till you were two?"
"Look, um...wizard. I grew up on my own but for the two Orci that raised me until I could walk unassisted. I remember nothing else."
"Hmm..." the wizard contemplated, "must be a side effect of the spell. No bother! Just come with me and I'll set you right and then off to reclaim the kingdom! Edward the Second returns home!"
Well, Ed thought, at least it'll be something new.
The wizard disappeared back through as Ed slowly walked his way towards the portal. He took one last look at the bowed heads around him.
"Right, you all. Be good."
And he stepped through.
The Market District of Xarlon underwent a surprising economic turn in the next two years as a large handful of shopkeepers and shoppers created a haven of prosperity where goods were freely exchanged and all worked towards each other's betterment.
As for Ed, well he landed in the Kingdom of Lomeria as the rightful ruler who had been "hidden away" for 23 years after his despot of an uncle took the throne. The enchantment the wizard had lain on him, that he might never know suffering, that his instruction would be provided for, and that he would know what it was to be royalty as he grew, was removed.
Plans were quickly thrown into disarray as Gideon and Ed's cousin Phillip discovered what exactly that charm had unintentionally turned Ed into. However, it couldn't be argued that Ed's time as a hired assassin could still be of some use. A quick restoring of a piece of the enchantment, and Ed walked right up to his uncle, past the bowed heads of the guards, and slit his throat.
All parties soon agreed that perhaps Phillip might be the best choice for the throne, so Ed abdicated to him, and went to live his life in his own way. After all, it was still rather easy to just be a face in the crowd...
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